906 Main Road,
(207) 843-5233
Population: 2,225
Area: 26.54 square miles
Distance to Bangor: 5.2 miles
Median home price: $122,000
Median household income: $51,875
Fire (non-emergency): (207) 992-4700
Police (non-emergency): (207) 945-4636
RSU 63 School Department: (207) 843-7851
Susan Smith,
Superintendent of Schools
202 Kidder Hill Rd. Holden
Eddington is located five miles east – northeast of Bangor. Granted by the General Court of Massachusetts, in 1785, to Jonathan Eddy, and to others, refugees from New Brunswick, for services rendered in the Revolutionary War.
Eddington offers an animal park, campgrounds, and the Katahdin Area Boy Scout Reservation in the summer time. Its municipal offices are located in East Eddington.
Incorporated February 22, 1811. In appreciation of their services during the American Revolution, Colonel Jonathan Eddy and nineteen of his associates were granted over 9,000 acres of land on the east bank of the Penobscot River. In 1784, Eddy and his family removed from their Massachusetts home to what was then known as township No.10. This area at the head of the Penobscot River’s tide, came to be known as the Eddytown Plantation and then, with settlers moving in to take advantage of the lumbering and fur trade industries, was incorporated in 1811 as the town of Eddington and continued to prosper.