Old Town
265 Main Street
Old Town
(207) 827-3965
Population: 7,840
Area: 38.85 square miles
Distance to Bangor: 13 miles
Median home price: $110,000
Median household income: $31,628
Fire (non-emergency): (207) 827-3400
Police (non-emergency): (207) 827-3984
RSU 34 School Department: 827-7171
David A. Walker,
Superintendent of Schools
156 Oak St., Old Town
Community Recreation Department:
(207) 827-3961
Adam Mahaney, Director
342 Bennoch Rd., Stillwater
Old Town Public Library: (207) 827-3972
Cynthia Jennings,
46 Middle St.
Home to the renown Old Town Canoe factory and outlet, a large paper mill and the Penobscot Indian Nation, Old Town enjoys a heritage rich in two cultures: Native American and Franco-American.
Of the City’s 8,000 inhabitants, many trace their roots to the Abnaki Indians who lived along the Penobscot River, or to French Canadians who migrated south during the 19th century.
The Penobscot River and the Pushaw Stream intersect just north of Marsh Island, the most organized portion of Old Town. This preponderance of water spells paradise for the boaters, fishermen and wildlife enthusiasts.
Incorporated February 19, 1891. In the nineteenth century, logs were driven down the Penobscot River, boomed above what is now Old Town and sawn into lumber at the settlement. Originally part of Orono, Old Town was incorporated as a town in 1840. The second railroad in the country connected the town to Bangor, ten miles south, and to the nation’s markets. By 1860, the town was the largest producer of sawn lumber in the nation. Today’s Old Town evokes the past, with most residents living near the Penobscot River and also enjoying the protected forests that the city shares with the nearby University of Maine.
City of Old Town website: www.old-town.org