Bangor Region Community Council

The Bangor Region Community Council is a separate corporate entity that is affiliated with the Chamber.  As a 501(c)(3) organization, it can take in charitable contributions. It oversees the Chamber’s nonprofit programs, each staffed by the Chamber and guided by a steering committee.  To learn more about involvement, please contact the Chamber’s Director of Programs, Shelly Reilly

• The Bangor Region Leadership Institute:
About: Bangor Region Leadership Institute (BRLI) is an intensive, regionally oriented leadership development program of the Chamber. BRLI is designed to give potential and emerging leaders the skills, knowledge, and on-going support they need to succeed in the greater Bangor community. Program runs October through May and meets monthly.

About: Building Bridges focuses on connecting businesses with education including the successful 7TH UP program that introduces seventh graders to businesses through an interactive field trip experience to exposes students to the many diverse career opportunities awaiting them in the Bangor region.

About: Fusion connects young people in the Bangor Region to each other and the community. The program is led by a Steering Committee of young leaders and organizes educational, social and creative events to help make the Bangor Region fun place for young people to live.

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