Top Ten Member Benefits

1.  Networking
Through participation at BRCC programs, seminars, and events, we provide many excellent networking opportunities that help you build and maintain relationships with other businesses. Events include Business After Hours, Early Bird Breakfasts, golf tournaments, seminars, luncheons, cultural activities and more. Whatever the size of your company, your Chamber membership will help you build and expand connections to the business world, making this an important benefit of membership.

2. Referrals
Each year, the Chamber assists hundreds of callers and visitors looking for local products and services, as well as places to go and things to see. As the area’s regional chamber, we advocate for the success and advancement of all member businesses; therefore, it is our policy to primarily provide referrals to members. In addition, we provide an area for free distribution of brochures in our visitor information center.

3. Advertising
The Chamber offers effective, low-cost advertising opportunities. Members may choose to place an ad or insert a flyer into the Chamber News, on the Chamber’s website, or in the emails that are sent out several times per month to members. We include all member businesses in our online directory and provide links to member websites. In addition, many sponsorship opportunities exist for additional exposure.

4. Seminars/Workshops
The Chamber offers a wide range of professional development and informational seminars throughout the year on topics beneficial to our members. The programs are designed to help your company prosper. Whether it’s a seminar on employment issues or a Hot Stove session that will keep you informed about legislative issues, we encourage you to get involved to realize the full potential of your membership.

5. Visibility
There are many ways members can increase visibility: serve on a committee, conduct a workshop, submit an article for the Chamber News, sponsor an event or program, or participate in one of many networking events. Grand openings, business relocations and company milestones are a way for us to work with you on ribbon cuttings, press releases and photos to the media. When you have important news to share, we can help spread the word.

6. Advocacy
The Chamber serves as a strong voice in both local and state government, collectively representing members on issues that affect businesses and our region. The Chamber takes a proactive approach to influence public policy that will benefit the regional business climate and focuses on policy areas that are critical to the economic vitality of the region. In the past, those areas have included: education, employment, energy, health care, R&D, taxation, transportation, and housing.

7. Support
Members are entitled to a number of free services to help with your business, including access to the member database – a great way to reach out to other members and the business community. Members are also eligible for a discount on Chamber events, free meeting room space, and a listing in the Membership & Resource Guide.

8. Recognition
Your Chamber has several awards and programs to recognize members who provide exemplary service, earn special awards, or achieve outstanding honors. The Chamber recognizes community leaders at the annual Awards Dinner and Business Breakfast.

9. Credibility
Research proves that chamber membership sends your customers the right message – yours is a reputable company that actively participates in the local business community. Members are encouraged to display a membership decal at their business locations. By getting involved, you’re giving back to the community by becoming knowledgeable about business issues and being active in local projects. As a member of the Chamber, you have the opportunity to join various committees so you may have a voice, make a difference and make connections.

10. Making a Difference
Your membership investment is an investment in the future of our region and our economic growth.

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