2017 Maine Chinese Conference
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally
October 27–28, 2017 | Spectacular Event Center | Bangor, Maine
Extended Early-bird Registration:
We’ve extended the early-bird deadline, so you have until October 1st to get the most savings on your MCC. For your convenience the registration form was attached.
Speakers and performers:
Keynote Speakers: This year it is our pleasure to welcome the Consul General from the People’s Republic of China, Ms. Qiyue Zhang, Education Counselor Mr. Yongji Xu to speak at the conference, and we are so happy that the Mayor of Bangor, Mr. Joe Baldacci will speak at the opening ceremony to give all invited guests a special Bangor welcome! Mr. Jay Ketner, Specialist of World Languages will come as well. Other invited speakers: Senators Susan Collins and Angus King, Maine Education Commissioner Bob Hasson, Maine Department of Economic Development Commissioner George Gervais, Representative Bruce Poliquin, CEO Dr. Edison Liu at Jackson Lab, Superintendent Betsy Webb and more.
Professional Speakers: Two Chinese language experts Ms. Zhengjie Guo from Connecticut and Ms. Grace Pei from Mississippi will present workshops and share their successful teaching experiences on the Friday, October 27th. Mr. Mel Mackey and Ms. Yue Deng from John Bapst High School will present China Past and Present, Attorney Jonathan Bench will talk about Maine-China trade and investment opportunities.
Performers: A famous artist, Ms. Cuiping Wei from Xinjiang, China will present her talent to the conference by playing the role of the Monkey King in an amazing show of The Journey to the East; Mr. Zhiwei Liu, the chair of Chinese students association will demonstrate Chinese Calligraphy and painting…
Chefs: Ms. Lusheng Li and Mr. Zhongbiao Feng will be leading a half-day Chinese food cooking, with Chinese dishes such as dumplings and hot pot on Saturday, October 28th.
October is also a beautiful time in Maine to enjoy the changing colors of the fall leaves!
Learn more from the attached player or on the conference website: http://bangorchinese.com/CONFERENCE17.html
Register the conference, attached please find the registration form, and scholarships are available.