You can make your own luck! ›
There is an interview that I think about often. It was a sportscaster interviewing a football player who was sitting on the sidelines for a very long time and got called up from the bench to play. I don’t remember the specifics but I remember the circumstances that led him to play were described as…
How to hold on to the employees you love! ›
No doubt you have heard about the “Great Resignation” of 2021 where large numbers of employees voluntarily left their jobs. The reasons for this economic trend, also known as the “Big Quit” are varied but the pandemic has certainly played a significant role in how, where and for whom we want to work. The pandemic…
How to have your voice heard in Augusta (in COVID times) ›
The legislature is in session, but the session looks very different this year as public hearings and work sessions have moved to a virtual format. That said, your input and participation in the legislative process is more important than ever and may in fact the virtual format may make it easier for you to participate, …
What you can learn from our planning session (and Scooby snacks) ›
It’s not always easy to break away from your normal busy routine, deadlines and demands to step back, step out and plan for the future. But, that is what we did at the Chamber this week. We gathered as a team to discuss our events and plans for 2018, including getting everything on the calendar. …